Christian Moses

Pronouns: he/him

July 14 – August 22, 2025

Christian Moses is a New York City-based artist, working primarily in clay. In much of his work, Moses seeks to preserve memories of the New York City he grew up in, from to motorbike riding to hanging out on stoops during the summer heat. In both his functional and sculptural work, Moses uses humor to discuss a range of topics relevant to city life, including fashion, gentrification, and changing community ecosystems.

Moses studied photography at Borough of Manhattan Community College and has held residencies at the Museum of Arts and Design, BKLYN Clay, and Public Ceramics. His work has been shown in New York, including at Duplex Gallery (New York, NY; 2021), BKLYN Clay (Brooklyn, NY; 2021), and Harold Hunter Day (New York, NY; 2018).

During his residency, Moses will investigate nostalgia, intimacy, and grief through the lens of Black native New Yorkers. He will create several large-scale sculptures that playfully integrate two-dimensional qualities with three-dimensional forms, with a focus on combining a wide range of surface techniques such as sgraffito, inlay, and relief.