Pottery Notes – Chelsea
SUMMER WEEK 8 – August 26
Fall Registration is Open
Registration for classes at both locations is now OPEN, either online or in person. Fall is always much busier than summer term and several classes are already fully enrolled. Don’t wait to register or join a waitlist for your favorite class as there is often some movement before classes start. We don’t want to see your first-choice class canceled due to low enrollment next week, so sign up early AND please tell a friend!
Free Studio Sessions
Encourage a friend to sign up for their first class at either GHP location this fall, and we will award five free studio sessions to you! Just be sure they enter your name in the “Who referred you?” field when they register and email ghpchelsea@greenwichhouse.org to confirm once they have enrolled.
End of Term Potluck
Join us on Tuesday, August 27 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a Chelsea end-of-term potluck! Bring food or drinks to share and rub elbows with fellow faculty and students.
End of Term Business
- As we come to the final week of the term, we encourage you to wrap up all work in progress.
- No work-in-progress may be saved over the break between summer and fall. All wet or bone-dry work that is left after August 30 will be reclaimed or discarded. Work may not be labeled and left on the shelf. Staff will be working hard during the break to prepare the studio for next term.
- Check your firing log through the self-service measuring system and settle any unpaid balances.
- Clear anything unwanted from your class shelves, and bring your tools home during the break. Any tools left after August 30 will be donated to the studio.
- If you were unable to glaze all of your pieces during this term, you can come in during the first two weeks of the next term to glaze any remaining work, even if you are not registered for a fall class. This ‘glaze grace period’ will run from September 9 to 22.
- Don’t forget to check the lost and found before you go!
Staff Farewells
We say a fond farewell and hearty thanks to Studio Assistant Day Brièrre next week as she sets off for a residency in Chicago and other exciting artistic opportunities. Thank you Day for helping build the GHP community!
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, August 27: Studio-wide end of term potluck
Friday, August 30: Last day of summer class at GHP Chelsea
Saturday, August 31 – Sunday, September 8: GHP Chelsea is closed; no access for students
Monday, September 9: First day of fall classes
September 9 – 22: Glaze grace period
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Monday, September 16: Jones St. fall classes begin; GHP Jones St. is currently closed
Thursday, September 19, 4:00 p.m.: Ruth Easterbrook and Kevin Snipes artist talk, followed by 5:00 – 7: 00 p.m. reception for their exhibition “See/Saw Collaborative Play By Ruth Easterbrook and Kevin Snipes.” On view September 20 – October 25.
SUMMER WEEK 7 – August 19
Registration Day is Wednesday, August 21
Registration for fall classes opens in phases on Wednesday of this week. Register online or see a studio assistant to sign up. Classes start with our many fabulous teaching artists on September 9 at Chelsea, and September 16 at Jones Street.
For Chelsea – registration opens at 4:00 p.m. for existing community members, 6:00 p.m. for the general public
For Jones Street – registration opens at 10:00 a.m. for existing community members, 12:00 p.m. for the general public
Existing students will receive an email on August 21 at 9:00 a.m. with a link to the advance registration site.
Glaze, glaze, glaze!
As we approach the end of the summer term, be sure you are making time to glaze this semester’s creations. Students can glaze any time during business hours with the exception of days and times when the glaze room is reserved for teacher demos. You can check on the glaze room availability by going to Glazing on the “Current Students” section of our website, or offline at the studio Message Center.
End of Term Potluck
Join us on August 27 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a Chelsea end-of-term potluck! Bring food or drinks to share and rub elbows with fellow faculty and students.
End of Term Business
- As we come to the final weeks of the term, we encourage you to wrap up all work in progress.
- No work-in-progress may be saved over the break between summer and fall. All wet or bone-dry work that is left after August 30 will be reclaimed or discarded. Work may not be labeled and left on the shelf. Staff will be working hard during the break to prepare the studio for next term.
- Check your firing log through the self-service measuring system and settle any unpaid balances.
- Clear anything unwanted from your class shelves, and bring your tools home during the break. Any tools left after August 30 will be donated to the studio. Any unfired clay that you wish to discard should be placed in reclaim buckets. Any bisque, glaze, or contaminated materials must be discarded in the large blue waste bin located near the measuring counter.
- If you were unable to glaze all of your pieces during this term, you can come in during the first two weeks of the fall term to glaze any remaining work, even if you are not registered for a fall class. This ‘glaze grace period’ will run from September 9 – 22.
Help us Sustain the Studio!
We are recruiting a few wonderful folks to provide testimonials as we’ll as b-roll videos to help get the word out and increase class enrollment. Will you help us out? Sign up on the list at the Message Center, and we will email to let you know when the communications team will be on site to film.
Don’t Lose it!
As we approach the end of the term we are noticing the lost and found is filling up. Missing something? Check the bin under the measuring counter to reconnect with your lost belongings!
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Wednesday, August 21: Fall term registration begins
Tuesday, August 27: End of term potluck for all Chelsea students and faculty
Friday, August 30: Last day of summer class and last day of studio sessions
August 31 – September 8: GHP Chelsea is closed
Monday, September 9: First day of fall classes
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
August 17 – September 16: 16 Jones St. is closed
Monday, September 16: First day of fall classes
SUMMER WEEK 6 – August 12
Registration Day
Fall term registration is right around the corner! Mark your calendars for Wednesday, August 21.
For Chelsea – registration opens at 4:00 p.m. for existing community members, 6:00 p.m. for the general public
For Jones Street – registration opens at 10:00 a.m. for existing community members, 12:00 p.m. for the general public
Classes start September 9 at GHP Chelsea, and on September 16 for Jones St.
Please tell a friend and help us grow our community!
Glaze Slips
Each time you measure a piece, the receipt printer will print a bisque and glaze slip. Be sure that you hold on to your glaze slip, and it is recommended that you store them with your sketchbook or with your tools in your class drawer. When you turn in your piece for the glaze firing, be sure that your glaze slip goes along with it or techs will not load your work. If you have lost a glaze slip, please see a Studio Assistant.
*Hot tip* When you turn in your glazed work, it’s also a good idea to snap a photo of your piece to have as a reference.
Carson’s Cone 6 Clinic
Resident Artist Carson Culp is offering a one-time, three-hour glazing clinic to share his experimentations and successes with our cone 6 palette. The workshop will be Tuesday, August 13 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. at Jones St. Seats are $20 and only available to currently registered students. Sign up via the workshop section of our website; there is a few seats left.
End of Term Business
- As we come to the final weeks of the term, we encourage you to wrap up all work in progress.
- No work-in-progress may be saved over the break between summer and fall. All wet or bone-dry work that is left after August 30 will be reclaimed or discarded. Work may not be labeled and left on the shelf. Staff will be working hard during the break to prepare the studio for next term.
- Check your firing log through the self-service measuring system and settle any unpaid balances.
- Clear anything unwanted from your class shelves, and bring your tools home during the break. Any tools left after August 30 will be donated to the studio.
- If you were unable to glaze all of your pieces during this term, you can come in during the first two weeks of the next term to glaze any remaining work, even if you are not registered for a fall class. This ‘GLAZE GRACE period’ will run September 9 – 22.
Office Space
The office is our staff’s workspace and doubles as a lunch/break room. Students are not permitted in the space unless being assisted by a staff member. If our team is on break in the office, they will direct you to a staff member on duty.
Ceramics Now, now:
This is your last week to see the Ceramics Now exhibition up in our gallery! It features work by all of our artists in residence from 2023: Jenny Day (NM), Hongmi Kim Hoog (NJ), Grant Landreth (NY), Sara Nishikawa (MI), and Rebecca Potts (NY).
Timely Exits
Particularly as the end of the semester gets closer, please remember that evening classes end at 9:30 p.m., and aim to exit the building by 9:45 p.m. The studio closes at 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays. Our staff members need to close up and go home at the end of their scheduled time.
Volunteer Opportunity
Our Back-to-School Sidewalk Sale event will take place on Saturday, September 7 at Jones Street. Scheduled from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m, you can sign up for the first or second shift. We need help setting up, assisting shoppers, wrapping purchases, and cleaning up. It is a great way to meet your studio mates, hang out with our very cool staff, and make lifelong pottery friends. Sign up by emailing pottery@greenwichhouse.org to help us out!
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Wednesday, August 21: Fall term registration begins
Friday, August 30: Final day of summer term
Monday, September 9: First day of fall term at Chelsea
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Friday, August 16: Final day of Ceramics Now in the Jane Hartsook Gallery
Saturday, September 7: Open House and Sidewalk Sale, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm
Monday, September 16: First day of fall term at Jones
SUMMER WEEK 5 – August 5
Fall Schedule is Posted
The schedule for fall classes at Chelsea and Jones St is now available at the studio and online! Classes start September 9 at our Chelsea home and on September 16 at the historic Jones Street location.
Registration will begin on Wednesday, August 21.
For Chelsea – registration opens at 4:00 p.m. for existing community members, 6:00 p.m. for new students
For Jones Street – registration opens at 10:00 a.m. for existing community members, 12:00 p.m. for new students
Financial Aid
The application for need-based financial aid is now open and is due on August 11 at 12:00 p.m. You can find the application and additional information about financial aid on our website. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Lost and Found
Left an item of clothing behind? Can’t find your water bottle? Missing a tool? The lost and found bin can be found under the measuring station. Be sure to check sooner than later! Items that end up in the bin get dated and will only stick around for a month. If you’ve lost something of greater value, check with a Studio Assistant to see if it was turned in.
Introducing “Onyx”
Finally, after extensive testing and patience, we’ve just added a glossy black glaze to our palette! Check it out, the name is Onyx.
Plaster Slabs
The studio now has a few plaster slabs for communal use with reclaiming or other processes that require an absorbent surface. Please make sure to thoroughly clean the slabs when you’re done using them, especially if your materials leave stains. Never use metal or sharp tools on them, as plaster bits and clay do not get along in the kiln!
Testing… Testing…
Did you know that you can fire test tiles for free? Premade tiles in both of our clay bodies are available under the measuring station. Test out new glazes and combinations with a quick test before you commit to glazing your whole piece. Because they’re so small, test tiles can often fit into a kiln right away, too!
Measuring Accuracy
Self-service measuring is a game changer here at Greenwich House Pottery, and we rely on you to be truthful and accurate when entering the size of your work. If we notice a large discrepancy between the piece and the dimensions on your firing slip, we will deduct the difference in the price from your firing account and notify you.
Volunteer Opportunities
We have two upcoming opportunities for you to volunteer to help out at GHP. The first is our Back-to-School Sidewalk Sale Event on September 7. We need assistance setting up, assisting shoppers, wrapping purchases, and cleaning up.
We are also hoping to find some extra elbow grease to help us prepare the Jones St building for the upcoming school year. We will host a Community Clean-up Day which will take place Thursday, August 29 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Sign up for either opportunity by visiting the Liaison office or by emailing pottery@greenwichhouse.org.
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Sunday, August 11: Fall Financial Aid Applications are due
Wednesday, August 21: Fall Term Registration begins
Monday, September 9: Fall Term Begins at GHP Chelsea
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Friday, August 16: Last day of summer term at 16 Jones St., final day of Ceramics Now exhibition
Monday, September 16: Fall term begins at Jones St.
Thursday, July 18–August 16: Ceramics Now exhibition
SUMMER WEEK 4 – July 29
Fall Schedule Available
The schedule for fall classes at Chelsea and Jones Street will be available the first week of August! Applications for need-based financial aid will open on August 1 and are due on August 11 at 12:00 p.m. Registration will open on Wednesday, August 21. Classes start September 9 at our Chelsea home and September 16 at the historic Jones Street location.
Registration times on August 21
For Jones Street: registration opens at 10:00 a.m. for existing community members, 12:00 p.m. for the general public.
For Chelsea: registration opens at 4:00 p.m. for existing community members, 6:00 p.m. for the general public.
Book Sale
We have received a large donation of ceramics books, courtesy of a GHP student of yesteryear. We are taking some into our library here at Jones Street, duplicate books are available for purchase. Check out what is available on a shelf above the Studio Assistant desk. All proceeds will benefit GHP’s financial aid program.
Practice Makes Perfect
Are you interested in more clay time outside of class? Book an open studio session! For $10, you reserve four hours of independent work time, and $5 on Friday nights. Find the studio session schedule at the Message Center or under the “Current Students” section of the website.
Spring 2024 Glaze Pick Up
Please pick up any glazed pieces from the spring 2024 term by August 3. Spring work is marked with a sparkly sticker, any pieces left behind will be discarded on Sunday, August 4.
Are you wondering about bringing in your own glazes or other materials?
You’ll need Studio Coordinator Wren’s approval in-person or email (wmacdonald@greenwichhouse.org) before doing so. Provide proof of the firing temperature (cone 6 or hotter). Exploration beyond materials we provide is welcome, but we want to avoid damaging other work or our shared equipment. GHP Chelsea does not fire cone 04 (low fire) glaze.
Missing Bisque?
A small number of pieces from early in the summer term were mixed with the left over work from Spring. Worry not! If you are missing Summer bisque pieces, see an Assistant for help locating your piece. New Summer work that has been submitted and fired in the last two weeks is flowing as normal and will be unloaded to the regular pick-up shelves.
Hospital Shelf
Pottery with damage or other issues is sent to our Hospital Shelf. Please remember to check it frequently. You can find it to the left of the wheel studio door. Pieces left for an extended amount of time will be discarded.
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Thursday, August 1: Summer town hall on Zoom, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, August 3: Last day to pick up glazed work from spring term
Sunday, August 11: Fall financial aid applications are due
Wednesday, August 21: Fall term registration begins
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Thursday, July 18–August 16: Ceramics Now exhibition
Thursday, August 1: Summer town hall on Zoom, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 16: Last day of summer term at 16 Jones Street
Wednesday, August 21: Fall term registration begins
SUMMER WEEK 3 – July 22
Keep Clay in the Studio!
There has been a noticeable amount of clay escaping the studio into the restrooms and elevators. Do not leave the studio with clay on your hands or while wearing a clay covered apron. We have a beautiful studio in a beautiful building, please help us to keep it this way. The sinks in the studio have clay traps; sinks in the restrooms do not. Only wash up in the studio to protect the plumbing.
Artist Talk: Carson Culp
Join us in the Jones St. glaze room this Thursday, July 25 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. for an artist talk with current GHP resident, Carson Culp! During his residency, Carson has been taking the time to explore and grow his voice as a potter. Trained in the tradition of Bernard Leach, a British studio potter respected for simple and utilitarian forms, Carson is experimenting with how he might incorporate the influence of contemporary art—especially street art, like wheat paste posters—into his work.
Spring 2024 Glaze Pick-Up
Please make sure to pick up any glazed pieces from the Spring term by August 3. Any pieces from Spring (indicated with a sparkly sticker) left on the shelves after August 3 will be donated or discarded on Sunday, August 4.
Missing Bisque?
In the event that your Summer term piece was placed on the bisque pick up shelves during our Glaze Grace Period and you are now missing your work, please see an Assistant for help locating your piece. We consolidated all of the Spring 2024 work on Sunday 7/21 and will officially discard it in the next few weeks. New Summer 2024 work that’s been submitted and fired in the last 2 weeks will be moved to the regular pick up shelves this week.
Saturday Samplers
Know someone who is curious about clay? We are offering one-off Sampler classes on select weekends of this term. Participants can sign up for a 2-hour handbuilding or wheel throwing class, and can get a feel for the material and our space. Sampler registrations are $95 per person.
In the Gallery: Ceramics Now
Our annual exhibition of work by the previous year’s resident artists is on view in our Jane Hartsook Gallery! Stop by the gallery to see work by Jenny Day (NM), Hongmi Kim Hoog (NJ), Grant Landreth (NYC), Sara Nishikawa (MI), and Rebecca Potts (NYC). The show will be up through August 16. If the gallery door is not open when you come by to see it, just ask any staff member for assistance. (Faculty, this would be a good class trip!)
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Saturday, July 20: Glazing Grace Period Deadline
Monday, July 22: Spring Bisque Toss
Friday, August 30: Last Day of Summer term at GHP Chelsea
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Thursday, July 18–August 16: Ceramics Now Exhibition
Thursday, July 25: Carson Culp Artist Talk, 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Thursday, August 1: Summer Town Hall on Zoom, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Friday, August 16: Last Day of Summer term at 16 Jones St.
SUMMER WEEK 2 – July 15
Hello to New Staff!
Chelsea has a new Education Coordinator! We are very excited to welcome Dustin Yager to the admin team as our new Education Coordinator at GHP Chelsea. You all know Dustin as one of our beloved wheel instructors and he comes with a breadth of experience having worked in a similar role for 5 years at the Northern Clay Center in Minneapolis prior to moving to New York. You may also be familiar with his studio practice, Ceramics and Theory. You can learn more about Dustin on our website.
Studio Sessions
We encourage all students to sign up for studio sessions outside of your class time – perfect practice makes perfect!
Outside Materials and Kiln Damage
If you are going to bring in outside materials like clays and glazes that we do not provide, you MUST get them approved by our Studio Coordinator, Wren, before you fire them here. This includes clays from Jones St. You must present the material label in person or over email. If you put clay in the kiln and it is not rated for Cone 6 firing, resulting in irreparable damage to the kiln shelves and walls, as well as to others’ pieces, you will be asked to pay for the damage.
Cone 6 Glazing
The only glaze firing temperature we offer here at Chelsea is Cone 6. If you have a low-fire glaze, it cannot go into the bisque kilns (which fire much cooler than cone 6). It is imperative that we keep bisque and glaze firings distinct as to not damage other student’s work or the kilns.
Size Limit
As a reminder, we do not fire pieces larger than 22 inches in any direction – this is to make kiln space fair for all students and to process your work quickly.
How to Clean Up
Proper clean-up is critical to maintaining a healthy community ceramics studio. Breathing in dry clay is a health risk so it is important that you follow protocols. Your teacher will go over these in more detail but here are the basics:
- Every time you clean up, you must use a wet sponge or mop. Never wipe or blow dry clay, never scrape or use a paper towel.
- Surfaces must be wiped down multiple times with a clean sponge in order to remove clay and glaze residue.
- For your first pass, bring a bucket of clean water to your wheel or work station to clean the space and your tools.
- Keep clay off of the floors; use a mop or sponge to clean up any splashes or trimmings as clay on the floor that is stepped on will be spread throughout the building and become airborne.
- Help yourself and others by leaving the studio cleaner than you found it—a clean studio is a happy studio.
Storage of In-Progress Work
If you begin your glazing but choose to come back later to finish, please do not store this unfired glazed work on the Bisque Pick-Up shelves. These pieces need to be on your class shelf or if you are only glazing during the Glaze Grace Period, they need to be wrapped and put on overflow shelves. This is to prevent contaminating other’s bisqueware and keep your pieces from being chipped.
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Saturday, July 20: Glazing Grace Period Deadline
Saturday, July 20-Sunday, July 21: Carson Culp & Emma Kaye Workshops, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, July 22: Spring Bisque Toss
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Thursday, July 18: Ceramics Now opening reception, 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, July 20-Sunday, July 21: Carson Culp & Emma Kaye Workshops, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday, August 1: Summer Town Hall on Zoom, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
SUMMER WEEK 1 – July 8
Studio Sessions
Want to work outside of your class time? You can book studio sessions, which are 4-hour appointments in your respective classroom. Studio sessions cost $10 per booking, and the session calendar and registration instructions are posted in each classroom. You can book your session by visiting the Current Students section of our website and selecting Register for Studio Sessions.
In an attempt to make Studio Sessions more accessible to our community, Friday evening studio session reservations are $5. Pre-registration is required.
Glazing Grace Period
Please note that spring students have until Saturday, July 20 at 6:00 p.m. to glaze work from last semester. Bisqued pieces left unglazed and unlabeled will be discarded on Monday, July 22: no exceptions!
Closing Time
The studio closes at 10:00 p.m. on weekdays and 6:00 p.m. on the weekends. Please make sure you are out before then – that means cleaning at least 15 minutes before we close and measuring all of your work before that. Assistants need to lock the door and go home at 10:00 p.m. sharp.
Please be sure that you are putting either super wet or dry clay in the appropriate reclaim buckets. Clay that you can wedge should be placed in the same bucket you got it out of to reduce work for the Assistants. Additionally, please TRIPLE check that there are no tools in your clay going into the reclaim as this can injure staff and harm our equipment.
Be Extra Clean, Get Better Pots!
As we all know, clay studios inevitably get dusty quickly – please make sure you are not only cleaning up your own space and shared tools when you are done working, but also a few extra items to increase your good kiln karma!
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, August 9: Carson Culp Residency
Saturday, July 20: Glazing Grace Period Deadline
Saturday, July 20-Sunday, July 21: Carson Culp & Emma Kaye Workshops, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, July 22: Spring Bisque Toss
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Saturday, July 20: Glazing Grace Period Deadline
Saturday, July 20-Sunday, July 21: Carson Culp & Emma Kaye Workshops, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday, July 22: Spring Bisque Toss
SPRING WEEK 9 – June 24
Get Free Studio Time!
It’s not too late to have your community join you for pottery this summer! If you get someone to sign up for their first class at either GHP location this summer, you get five free studio sessions. Just be sure they enter your name in the “how did you hear about us” field when they register and email ghpchelsea@greenwichhouse.org to confirm once they have enrolled.
End of Term Business
- As we come to the final weeks of the term, we encourage you to wrap up all work in progress. If you are unable to finish a piece before the end of the term and ONLY if you are returning next semester, clearly label it with your NAME and SUMMER 2024 with the orange tape provided in the classrooms. Any greenware pieces found unlabeled over break will be reclaimed, no exceptions. Staff will be working hard during the break to prepare the studio for the spring term.
- Check your firing log through the measuring system and settle any unpaid balances.
- Clear anything unwanted from your class shelves, and bring your tools home during the break or they will be donated to the studio.
- If you were unable to glaze all of your pieces during this term, you can come in during the first two weeks of the next term to glaze any remaining work. This ‘glaze grace period’ will run from July 8-July 20.
Summer Workshops!
Greenwich House Pottery is excited to see the return of our Summer Master Series Workshops/ Workshop weekend is July 20-21, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. There are still seats available in Finding Form: Intro to Hollow Construction with Emma Kaye. In this hands-on workshop, students will learn to utilize hollow-building techniques to articulate and exaggerate volume, contour, and void. Tuition for the general public is $325, but current GHP students can sign up using code “current24” for $25 off.
Measuring Hot Tip!
Since our Jones location will pivot to using the same measuring system this summer, there is now a location option when measuring. Remember to set your location to Chelsea when you are enrolled in a class here. You can find instructions on how to set your default studio location by the measuring station!
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, August 9: Carson Culp Residency
Monday, July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Jones St.
Friday, June 28: Last Day of Casey Whittier Exhibition
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, June 25, 5:00–6:00 p.m.: End of Term Potluck
Saturday, June 29: Final Day of Spring Term at Chelsea
Monday July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Chelsea
SPRING WEEK 8 – June 17
Summer Registration is Open
Registration is available online now for classes at both of our locations. We have spots available in many beloved classes. Sign up today AND tell a friend…In fact: If you encourage a friend to sign up for their first class at either GHP location this summer, you get five free studio sessions! Just be sure they enter your name in the “how did you hear about us” field when they register and email ghpchelsea@greenwichhouse.org to confirm once they have enrolled.
Summer Workshops
We are pleased to announce two summer workshops at our Jones Street location! Both will take place over two days on Saturday, July 20 and Sunday, July 21 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Carson Culp, our current resident and newest faculty member, will host a hands-on, two-day throwing marathon focusing on cylinders and extensions, like handles and spouts. This workshop will favor process over product, and attendees will cut their thrown vessels in half to better understand their technique.
Emma Kaye will host a hands-on two-day handbuilding workshop! Students will learn to utilize hollow-building techniques to articulate and exaggerate volume, contour, and void.
Seats are $300 for currently enrolled summer students and $325 for outside students. Sign up online today!
End of Term Business
- As we come to the final weeks of the term, we encourage you to wrap up all work in progress. If you are unable to finish a piece before the end of the term and ONLY if you are returning next semester, clearly label it with your NAME and SUMMER 2024 with the orange tape provided in the classrooms. Any greenware pieces found unlabeled over break will be reclaimed, no exceptions. Staff will be working hard during the break to prepare the studio for the spring term.
- Check your firing log through the self-measuring system and settle any unpaid balances.
- Clear anything unwanted from your class shelves, and bring your tools home during the break or they will be donated to the studio.
- If you were unable to glaze all of your pieces during this term, you can come in during the first two weeks of the next term to glaze any remaining work. This ‘glaze grace period’ will run from July 8-July 20.
Runny Glaze That Needs to be Dremeled?
We now have a dremel in the studio which is only to be used by faculty and studio assistants. If you have a piece whose glaze ran slightly and you want to have the bottom cleaned up, leave it at the credit request shelf to the left of the wheel room with a note requesting to have it dremeled.
There is signage at the shelf that explains what a dremel is and offers sample photos of what is and isn’t feasible for grinding with the dremel. Once the piece is ready, it will get returned to the glaze pick-up shelves. Studio Assistants will routinely dremel work once enough accumulates on the shelf, but we cannot accommodate dremeling work on the spot.
End of Term Potluck
Join us on June 25 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a Chelsea end-of-term potluck! Bring food or drinks to share and get to know fellow faculty and students.
Staff Farewells
After many years of dedication to the Pottery, Chang, Taylor, and Hannah are stepping down from their respective roles within the next month to pursue new career paths and life endeavors. We are so grateful for everything they have done during their time here, as all three worked through the pandemic and beyond. Fear not, Chang and Taylor are still on our teaching rosters for the summer!
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, August 9: Carson Culp Residency
Saturday June 22: Final Day of Spring Term at Jones St.
Monday, July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Jones St.
Friday, June 28: Last Day of Casey Whittier Exhibition
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, June 25, 5:00–6:00 p.m.: End of Term Potluck
Saturday, June 29: Final Day of Spring Term at Chelsea
Monday July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Chelsea
SPRING WEEK 7 – June 10
Registration Day
If you’re reading this after 5:00 p.m. on Monday, registration for summer classes at both locations is now open! Register online or see a studio assistant to sign up.
The Kilns Have Names!
We’ve named our three kilns after amazing potters! Introducing Betty (Woodman), Lucie (Rie), and Toshiko (Takaezu). If you’re not familiar with their work, be sure to check out these iconic women potters.
Set Default Location
The next time you measure, please make sure to set Chelsea as your default location so your firing slips don’t print out at Jones Street! Instructions are available by the measuring station.
Aprons for Sale
Show your GHP Chelsea pride and stay clean with our new apron! Available for purchase for $45 online or at the Studio Assistant desk.
Glaze, glaze, glaze!
The bisque shelves are getting very full! If you are ready to glaze your work, please do so. Students can glaze any time during business hours with the exception of days and times when the glaze room is reserved for teacher demos. You can check on the glaze room availability by going to Glazing on the “Current Students” section of our website.
Donation Shelf
Forgot a tool but don’t want to shell out for a new one? Looking to buy pottery by fellow community members? Above the slab roller in the glaze room is our “Buy a Pot, Support a Student” shelf. Here you’ll find priced pots to take home, and individual tools for sale. Use the QR code to make your purchase and all proceeds go to our financial aid fund.
End of Term Potluck
Join us on June 25 from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. for a Chelsea end-of-term potluck! Bring food or drinks to share and get to know fellow faculty and students.
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, August 9: Carson Culp Residency
Saturday June 22: Final Day of Spring Term at Jones St.
Monday, July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Jones St.
Friday, June 28: Last Day of Casey Whittier Exhibition
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, June 25, 5:00–6:00 p.m.: End of Term Potluck
Saturday, June 29: Final Day of Spring Term at Chelsea
Monday July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Chelsea
SPRING WEEK 6 – June 3
Registration Day
Summer term registration is right around the corner! Registration for existing community members will open on June 10 at 10:00 a.m. for Jones Street classes and 5:00 p.m. for Chelsea classes.
Glaze Workshop
Upon student request, we were able to put together an exciting last-minute glaze workshop with instructor, Cammi Climaco! The details are as follows:
Who: Intended for beginner to intermediate students who have some familiarity with glazing
When: Fridays, June 7 and 21, 2:30-5:30 p.m.
What: $150 for two 3-hour sessions. The workshop is an opportunity to more thoroughly understand glazes, glaze materials, and application. There is intentionally a break between sessions so that students can absorb information from session 1, practice, and have a chance to formulate questions. The second meeting will be a review of returned work and continued Q&A. Flier included with QR to enroll!
Class Chips
When you drop off work for the first firing, don’t forget your class chip! Find them by the bisque shelves in the glaze area. These are important for when technicians unload kilns and sort greenware. Remember class chips are not needed once you have glazed your work or they will stick to your piece.
Glaze Slips
Each time you measure a piece, the receipt printer will print a bisque and glaze slip. Be sure that you hold on to your glaze slip, and it is recommended that you store them with your tools in your class drawer. When you turn in your piece for the glaze firing, be sure that your glaze slip goes along with it or techs will not load your work. If you have lost a glaze slip, please see a Studio Assistant.
*Hot tip* When you turn in your glazed work, it’s also a good idea to snap a photo of your piece to have as a reference.
Hospital Shelf and Unlabeled Bisque
Having trouble finding your bisqueware or glazed items? The shelves to the left of the wheel classroom are the unlabeled bisque and hospital shelves. The unlabeled bisque shelves are where pieces land without class chips, and anything that is glazed improperly or damaged can be found on the hospital shelf
Lost and Found
Left an item of clothing behind? Can’t find your water bottle? Missing a tool? The lost and found bin can be found under the measuring station. Be sure to check sooner than later! Items that end up in the bin get dated and will only stick around for a month. Lost something of greater value? Check with a studio assistant to see if it was turned in.
It’s Getting Hot in Here
Apologies for the studio temperature being on the warm side. Our HVAC company is awaiting a part before the system can be fully restored.
Bye Bye Glacier Blue and Black Fungi
Now that we have had time to really see how our glazes work for the studio on various kinds of work, and in an effort to make room for three new glazes, we will be discontinuing Glacier Blue and Black Fungi. The last day to use these two glazes will be Saturday, June 29. New black and white glaze options will be available this summer!
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, July 27: Carson Culp Residency
Saturday June 22: Final Day of Spring Term at Jones St.
Monday, July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Jones St.
Friday, June 28: Last Day of Casey Whittier Exhibition
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Monday, June 10: Summer registration opens, 5:00 p.m. for existing community members, 7:00 p.m. for public
Saturday, June 29: Final Day of Spring Term at Chelsea
Monday July 8: First Day of Summer Term at Chelsea
SPRING WEEK 5 – May 28
Summer Class Schedules Available
The summer schedules for Chelsea and Jones Street classes are now available! Pick up copies in the office, or browse online today. Registration opens on Monday, June 10:
For Chelsea – registration opens at 5:00 p.m. for existing community members, 7:00 p.m. for the general public
For 16 Jones – registration opens at 10:00 a.m. for existing community members, 12:00 p.m. for the general public
Financial Aid
A reminder that the financial aid deadline is June 2 at 12:00 p.m. You can find the application and additional information about financial aid on our website. Late or incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Sunday Sampler
Know someone who has wanted to get started in ceramics? Share our Sunday sampler with friends and family! On June 2 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. we have wheel and handbuilding samplers; for the handbuilding sampler, the project is “make a mug”. Sunday samplers are $95 for 2 hours of instruction, and anyone who participates gets to take home one piece included in the price of the workshop that they pick up at a later date. What better weekend activity?!
Outside Materials and Kiln Damage
It merits repeating that if you are going to bring outside clays and glazes that we do not provide, you MUST get them approved by our Studio Coordinator, Wren, before you fire them here. She needs to see a label in person or over email. If you put clay in the kiln that does not hold up to our cone 6 (mid range) firing, it will MELT and damage other pieces as well as costly kiln shelves. If this occurs students must pay the full costs for any resulting damage.
Size Limit
As a reminder, we do not fire pieces larger than 22 inches in any direction–this is mainly to make kiln space fair for all students and to process your work quickly.
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 27–Saturday, July 27: Carson Culp Residency
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Sunday, June 2: GHP Chelsea Financial Aid Application Due, 12:00 p.m.
Monday, June 10: Summer registration opens, 5:00 p.m. for existing community members, 7:00 p.m. for public
SPRING WEEK 4 – May 20
Memorial Day Studio Closure
Please note that GHP will be closed on Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day. Enjoy the holiday!
Summer Term at GHP Chelsea
The Summer term at GHP Chelsea will run for 8 weeks from July 8 through August 30. The schedule for the summer term has been posted online and in the studio. Financial aid applications must be submitted by Sunday, June 2 at 12:00 p.m. Even if you have applied for financial aid previously, you need to submit a new application each term. Registration opens June 10!
Final Reminder: Don’t Forget Glazed Items from Winter Term!
Any items that were glazed during the winter term must be taken home by this Saturday, May 25. Anything left beyond this date will be donated or discarded. Pieces glazed during the glaze grace period will not be held to this deadline.
Our staff gallery, CORNER 601, is officially exhibiting work–first up is Studio Assistant, Georgia Reidy! Check out her work in the open studio room on view until June 10.
Kiln Area
Students are not permitted in the kiln area for any reason. If you see your work in a kiln, do not touch or handle work without consulting a staff member. We often leave kilns open while we wait for more work to load or as they cool. Kilns can be dangerous for people not trained to operate them, and we have a yellow line demarcated on the floor to prevent a potential tripping hazard.
Open Studio Time
Please be sure you are paying for studio time if you are in an open studio session. Payment should be made ahead of the beginning of studio time to ensure that there is an available seat. If you are having issues signing up, please see a Studio Assistant.
Limited Edition Glazes
We are fine-tuning our glaze palette and a few of our current glazes have been deemed “limited edition” in order to make room for a new matte black, glossy black, and matte white. Glacier Blue and Black Fungi are being discontinued once the buckets are empty. Keep an eye out for our new colors in the coming months!
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27: Closed for Memorial Day
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27: Closed for Memorial Day
Sunday, June 2: GHP Chelsea Financial Aid Application Due, 12:00 p.m.
Monday, June 10: Summer registration opens, 5:00 p.m. for existing community members, 7:00 p.m. for public
SPRING WEEK 3 – May 13
Glaze Toss
You’ll notice that some items on the glaze shelf have small sparkly stickers. Over the break, technicians stickered glaze work to indicate that it is from the Winter term. If your piece is on the glaze shelf with a sticker, be sure to take it home before May 25 at 6:00 p.m. or it will be discarded. We’re making room for new Spring pieces! If you aren’t able to retrieve your piece before the deadline or are having trouble finding something, email ghpottery@greenwichhouse.org.
Maker’s Mark
We recommend that students sign their work with initials or a unique symbol. Especially among beginners, work can sometimes look similar. We have had instances where student’s work was glazed by someone else or bisqueware went missing, and we want to avoid this. Please triple check that any work you glaze or take home is yours!
Sunday Samplers
Loving your clay class and want to share the experience with friends and family? Once a month, we host Sunday Samplers at GHP Chelsea. It’s a one-off two-hour class in either wheel or handbuilding instruction, and one piece is included in the cost of the workshop, which staff will glaze and students can pick up 4-6 weeks later. Samplers are $95 per person, and a great weekend activity! The next samplers are set for June 2 and we still have open seats. Sign up online or use the QR code on the flyer by the Studio Assistant desk.
Message Center
You can find our Message Center above the measuring station! There you’ll find Pottery Notes, a studio session schedule, photos of the team here at GHP Chelsea, and a “From Your Community” section with information on happenings at 16 Jones and Chelsea. If you have openings to share, exciting gallery shows to pass along, job opportunities, available studio space, etc., feel free to post information here! You can also find the kiln unloading schedule for bisque and glaze firings in the top right corner.
Firing Trays
If you aren’t sure whether a glaze is going to run, it’s always best practice to use a firing tray to ensure that no damage is done to our kiln shelves. Find them under the measuring station! If you use a firing tray and it ends up getting damaged due to glaze running, we ask that you be a courteous studio member and make another to replace it.
At 16 Jones Street:
Casey Whittier Artist Talk and Exhibition Opening
Join us this Thursday, May 16 for an artist talk with Casey Whittier, followed by an opening reception for her NYC solo debut in our Jane Hartsook Gallery. Casey has adapted processes from a variety of craft disciplines to create mixed-media work that straddles weaving and sculpture to explore interdependence and the truths it reveals. Her artist talk will be at 4:00 p.m. and the opening will run from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at 16 Jones St. Both are free and open to the public.
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 14: Taste of Greenwich Village, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 16: Casey Whittier Artist Talk (4:00–5:00 p.m.) and Opening Reception, (5:00–7:00 p.m.)
Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27: Closed for Memorial Day
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Sunday, May 25: GHP Chelsea winter glazed work pick-up deadline
Monday, May 26: GHP Chelsea glaze toss for winter term items
Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27: Closed for Memorial Day
For Winter Term Students
For returning students, this is the final week of the glaze grace period. This is your opportunity to glaze and complete work from the winter term that is currently on the bisque shelves. Any work that is left on the shelves from the winter term will be discarded on May 13 to make room for new work coming out of the kilns.
Winter Session Glaze Pick-Up
If you were in a class last session all glazed pieces fired during Winter 2024 must be taken home by Saturday, May 25. Any pieces left from Winter after May 25 will be donated or discarded (all work from Winter 2024 has a sparkly sticker on it). Pieces glazed during the glaze grace period will not be held to this deadline.
Lots of Studio Time Available at Chelsea!
There are many opportunities to work independently outside of class time. Students can book studio sessions at $10 for 4 hours of work time, $5 on Friday nights. You can find a weekly studio session schedule by the Studio Assistant desk and at the Message Center, and book directly using the QR code. Be sure to check the schedule, because there are also opportunities to book studio time in the classrooms. Remember, practice makes perfect!
Summer Teen Wheel
Registration for summer teen wheel at both Jones Street and GHP Chelsea is now live! Teens ages 13 through 18 can sign up for any of our four two-week sessions. Potters of all experience levels are invited. Seats are $515 and include all materials, tools, and firing fees. The session dates are as follows:
Jones St.
Session 1: July 8–18
Session 2: July 22–August 1
GHP Chelsea
Session 1: August 5–15
Session 2: August 19–29
Firing Trays
Testing a new glaze combo? Unsure whether glazes will run? We encourage students to use a firing try so we don’t risk ruining our kilns shelves. We have a limited supply of firing trays on the shelves below the measuring station. This selection is what we can provide, but if you need a firing tray to fit specific dimensions, it is best to make your own.
Reclaim Buckets
The Studio Assistants mix new clay from the goop in our reclaim buckets. Make sure that only unfired brown and white clay scraps or sludge are going in their respective buckets. Please be careful not to put tools, bisqueware, newsprint, colored slips and washes, or other clays in those buckets. This will keep the Assistants safe and the clay consistent!
Lost and Found
Leave something behind at the studio? Check the lost and found bin under the table at the measuring station. Items are dated, anything left in the lost and found bin for more than a month will be discarded.
Communal Tools
On our note about cleaning last week: items like the extruder, slab roller, and wedging tables are shared amongst students and it is expected that everyone chip in to keep them clean. We’ve noticed lately that the wedging table is often left quite messy, so we ask that students be mindful if they use that area during class or open studio time!
At 16 Jones Street:
Casey Whittier Artist Talk
Mark your calendars to join us next week, Thursday May 16 for an artist talk with Casey Whittier, followed by an opening reception for her NYC solo debut in our Jane Hartsook Gallery. Casey has adapted processes from a variety of craft disciplines to create mixed-media work that straddles weaving and sculpture to explore interdependence and the truths it reveals. Her artist talk will be at 4:00 p.m. and the opening will run from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Tuesday, May 14: Taste of Greenwich Village, 7:00–9:00 p.m.
Thursday, May 16: Casey Whittier Artist Talk (4:00–5:00 p.m.) and Opening Reception, (5:00–7:00 p.m.)
Sunday, May 26 & Monday, May 27: Pottery Closed for Memorial Day
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Monday, April 29-Sunday, May 12: Glaze grace period for winter term
Monday, May 13: Bisque toss for winter term items
SPRING WEEK 1 – April 29
We are so excited to welcome new and returning students! Students should have received an email including the student guidelines. Each week in class, teachers will read Pottery Notes, which contains important studio information. If you miss hearing them read aloud, please check online or at the message center in the glaze room to stay aware of important deadlines and announcements week-to-week.
For returning students, the next two weeks, April 29-May 12 at 6:00 p.m., are the glaze grace period. This is your opportunity to glaze and complete work from the winter term that is currently on the bisque shelves. Any work that is left on the shelves from the winter term will be tossed on May 13 to make room for new work coming out of the kilns.
Bathroom Code
Bathrooms are located on this floor in the hallway. To enter, press 2 and 4 at the same time and then 3.
Class Drawers
Each class has a set of shelves with a bottom drawer for shared class storage. Be sure to label any tools that you put in the drawers with your first and last name, and be mindful of only storing essentials so that the drawer is equally shared by class members.
Keep Clay in the Studio!
As you move in and out of the studio, try to be mindful of whether you are dusty or tracking clay along with you. We have a mat outside the studio to wipe your feet on before you walk down the hall. Especially when using the bathroom, be sure to get your hands clean first at the sinks in our space, as the bathroom sinks do not have proper clay trapping equipment.
A Clean Studio is a Happy Studio!
We want to acknowledge all the hard work put in by the GHP Chelsea team cleaning over the break. Though things are just getting started, we want to start off the term with high cleaning standards so that we keep the studio spotless and sparkling! Faculty will walk students through cleaning protocols, but cleaning lists can also be found above the sinks for reference. Go that extra mile, clean your space and be sure to tackle a communal space as well! Especially as you start to book studio time and work independently, remember to leave things cleaner than you found them for good clay karma!
Credit Request Shelf
If your piece is damaged by staff, you can request credit or a free re-fire via our new credit request shelf above the hospital shelf. See adjacent instructions and helpful notes. Wren, our Studio Coordinator, reviews requests about once a week.
Studio Sessions Available
We are fortunate here at GHP Chelsea to have a dedicated studio session room with 5 wheel and 5 handbuilding seats. Students can sign up to work in 4-hour blocks of time, mornings, afternoons, or evenings, for $10 per session, and only $5 on Friday nights! We ask that everyone be mindful of not booking too many sessions in advance or on the same day, and we encourage reviewing our studio session policies for that room.
At 16 Jones Street:
Save the Date! Boyer/Saito Collections Fundraising Sale
Join us on May 1 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. for the unveiling of Gifts from Friends, a sale from the collections of Takako (Toni) Saito and Michael Boyer to support the Pottery’s capital campaign. Many of the available works were collected from renowned artists during their exhibitions or workshops at Greenwich House Pottery over decades, and include work by Posey Bacopoulos, Paulus Berensohn, Fong Chow, Karen Karnes, Warren Mackenzie, and Byron Temple. The sale will continue through May 5, but be sure to join us on May 1 to get first pick!
Spring Sidewalk Sale
We will be hosting our annual spring Sidewalk Sale on Sunday, May 5 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at our 16 Jones Street location. Shoppers will be invited to browse hundreds of handmade objects made and donated by our very own faculty, students, and staff. Interested in volunteering? It is a great way to meet people! Email pottery@greenwichhouse.org.
GHP Jones Street At-a-Glance Dates
Wednesday, May 1: Opening reception for the Saito/Boyer Collection Fundraising Sale, 5:00–7:00 p.m.
Friday, May 1–Sunday, May 5: Saito/Boyer Collection Fundraising Sale continues until 5:30 p.m.
Sunday, May 5: Sidewalk Sale, 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, May 14: Taste of Greenwich Village, to benefit Greenwich House
GHP Chelsea At-a-Glance Dates
Monday, April 29: Spring term at GHP Chelsea begins
Monday, April 29-Sunday, May 12: Glaze grace period for winter term
Monday, May 13: Bisque toss for winter term items