Children & Youth Services at NYC Family Justice Centers

Our team of counselors and youth activity coordinators oversee the operations and provision of programming offered to children and youth of all ages who utilize the onsite Family Justice Center (FJC) children and youth room. We provide individual and group counseling services, facilitate ongoing family activities at the FJC’s, provide support and advocacy to parents and guardians and offer training, as well as resources and technical assistance for FJC onsite partner staff on the impact domestic violence has on children, youth and teen dating violence.

These services are available through an expanded partnership with the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence (ENDGBV). Both Greenwich House and ENDGBV strive to create a haven for survivors as well as provide increased access to vital resources like shelter, food, and legal aid.
Survivors of domestic, family and gender-based violence can access trauma-informed counseling and educational programs provided by Greenwich House counselors and activity coordinators at the New York City Family Justice Centers (FJC) in Queens and Manhattan.

For more information about the Greenwich House Center for Resiliency & Wellness, visit or call (212) 242-4140, ext. 251.