Older Adult Network Online Learning Center

Welcome to the Older Adult Network Online Learning Center, Greenwich House’s hub for our Older Adult Centers’ online programming and helpful resources for our community as we take on the challenges of COVID-19 together. On this page you’ll find:

Click any of the links above to jump ahead to that section!

Click here for this week’s email for the latest updates, cancellations or other last-minute changes.


Be sure to check out our special holiday events below, in the Online Classes section!

Connect with the Greenwich House Older Adult community on our new Facebook page! Find the page here and click “Like” to get updates and more fun content from Center Directors and fellow members: https://www.facebook.com/GreenwichHouseSeniors

Find some beauty in the Virtual Art Show of Older Adult Center members’ art! Check out the gallery here, and send images of your work to lmarceca@greenwichhouse.org


Certain vaccination sites are accepting walk-ins from New Yorkers aged 75+ for vaccinations. Find the list here.

Single Stop (formerly AAPR) is available to assist our members with their taxes again this year! Members can either file their own taxes with assistance, or send documents to preparators to file on your behalf. All assistance is done virtually and does require a computer or smart phone to access necessary software. Learn more here, and sign up for an appointment here. 

Do you need support for grieving and loss? The Louis Armstrong Center for Music and Medicine and The Department of Spiritual Care and Education will be offering a support group for community members who have experienced loss. Learn more here.

Every month, we’ll be sharing new information about falls prevention brought to us by Dr. Nikita Sowma of the Bellevue Healthy Seniors Program. This month, learn more about how diabetes affects falls prevention here. (This handout is also available in Spanish and Mandarin, please contact ckaufman@greenwichhouse.org for a copy in your preferred language.)

DFTA’s Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program is back! Learn about the program here and find more information or apply for your coupon booklet here.

GrowNYC has information about ways farmers are delivering food directly to our homes for those who don’t have access to the GreenMarkets. You can find a spreadsheet here. They also have activities related to farming and gardening that you can do at home on  their blog.

Need tech help? Senior Planet has a collection of tutorials related to COVID-19 needs here. You can also call their hotline at 920-666-1959. If you have questions about tech resources specifically in NYC, call 917-936-4410.

Online Classes

We’re offering online versions of some of your favorite classes. You do not need a computer with a camera to participate. For live classes, you can also watch and listen on your computer and speak to the class on your phone. Or you can dial in without watching the class on the computer by calling 646-558-8656 and entering the class’s meeting ID and password when prompted.

Our current online classes are:

The Comedy Workshop, Mondays at 10:00 a.m.
Shakespeare, Mondays at 11:00 a.m.
Qigong and T’ai Chi for Arthritis, Mondays at 1:00 p.m.
Opera, Every other Monday at 4:00 p.m.
Film Class, Mondays at 3:00 p.m.
Knees/Hips/Balance, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.
Discussion Group with Margrecia Mindell, on Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.
Creative Writing, Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.
Chair Yoga,  Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.
Therapeutic Yoga, Wednesdays from 11:00 am
Feldenkrais (Exercise class), Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.
Italian, Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.
Art History, Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.
Theater Workshop, Wednesdays at 5:00 PM
Line Dancing, Wednesdays at 4:15
Fall Stop, Move Strong, Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.
Hands-On Art Class, Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.
Stretch and Tone, Fridays at 10:00 a.m.
Moving and Grooving, Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.
Sunday Afternoon Discussion Group, Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Special Events!

  • Volunteer Opportunity: Become a Single Stop USA Manhattan Tax Volunteer and help provide free tax preparation support to New Yorkers in need.
  • The Creative Center recently presented “The Circumstances of Creativity,” an event that activated the voices of seniors in dialogue with artists. Check out the recording of the event that centered on the work of George Malave.
Special Classes!
  • T’ai Chi Chih with Ken Gray in Washington Square Park starts in March on Fridays at 12:00 p.m. at Holley Plaza. The twelve-week class may improve balance, circulation, posture, stress levels, and coordination. It is easy to learn with gentle movements. Please bring water, and contact Laura M. for more details at lmarceca@greenwichhouse.org. T’ai Chi Chih classes are also held at OLP.

Subscribe to our mailing list to get the latest updates for online programming sent to your inbox every week! Click here for this week’s email for the latest on any cancellations or other last-minute changes. 

The Comedy Workshop with Jo Firestone, Mondays at 10:00 a.m.

Join Jo Firestone on Zoom to write and perform jokes! Click here to join the class:
Monday: (Meeting ID: 912 0357 8911, Password: 001542) : https://zoom.us/j/91203578911?pwd=eFA0SEVTazRqc0gyRE9mNFFPR1VWdz09

Shakespeare with Leo Schaff, Mondays at 11:00 a.m.

Join Leo Schaff to discuss Shakespeare’s work over Zoom (Meeting ID: 883 7339 8516, Passcode: 414471) : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84698799563?pwd=N3ZxM1dBaWhXaXZESmJOKzZtcVEzUT09

Qigong and Tai Chi with Ken Gray, Mondays at 1:00 p.m.

This Class is Hybrid- watch on Zoom or attend in person at OLP. Join Key Gray for gentle qigong and t’ai chi over Zoom two days a week (Meeting ID: 954 0252 1458, Password: 032187) https://zoom.us/j/95402521458?pwd=SHJBUlAySXpVakRwU21zK2NBYUJwZz09

Opera with Ansonia Music Outreach, Every Other Monday at 4:00 p.m. (and more!)

Not only can you continue attending the opera appreciation class you know and love from Center on the Square, but Ansonia Music Outreach has graciously opened up all of their classes that have been held at centers around the city. All classes can be accessed with the same Zoom link and information (Meeting ID: 929 172 963, Password: 1598) : https://zoom.us/j/929172963?pwd=OGxLL2tTNkJnb0duQ2tzT2RJbFkxZz09

Find the full schedule of classes here.

Film Class with Anthony Cilione, Mondays at 3:00 p.m.

Join Anthony Cilione and Gary Friedman to watch and discuss a film each week! (Meeting ID: 863 7833 2159, Password: 911371) : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86378332159?pwd=TXVjZWg5cEpBVHJhY3NVbVFJY3lYUT09

Knees/Hips/Balance with Maura Nolan, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:00 a.m.

 Are you having pain from Arthritis in your knees or hips ? Is your knee/hip bone-on-bone ? Have you had knee replacement surgery? Are you having trouble walking ?  Is balance an issue for you? Have you fallen? This class addresses all these problems. Class will consist of the following:  Breathing to calm the body and mind, a brief discussion of our personal knee/hip situations and what has occurred in the past, sharing of information, exercises to protect, strengthen and heal our knees and hips, and a short guided relaxation to finish.  We will comfort and strengthen and heal together.  Please join us!

The meeting on Tuesday can be accessed here: (Meeting ID:   896 0979 3848, Password:  212872)

The meeting on Thursday can be accessed here: (Meeting ID: 842 0364 0751, Password: 067455) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84203640751?pwd=aFQzU3NQcjA5WmtBN3Vzc0QyY1Y1UT09

Chair Yoga with Audrey, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:00 a.m.

Join Audrey for a Chair Yoga class over Zoom to stay active and limber while social distancing. Click here to join the class  (Meeting ID: 875 8984 6586, Passcode: 636437) : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/96873184814?pwd=TW1MMWRqL0J3QjlzTEl3MmFYTnlHUT09

Discussion Group with Margrecia Mindell, Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m.

Join us for a casual conversation with friends! (Meeting ID: 956 9405 7100, Password: 027353) : https://zoom.us/j/95694057100?pwd=a0hwb0FZamhGeTRBSzdvQ3c1T1N2UT09

Creative Writing with Esther Cohen, Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m.

Esther Cohen is sending out weekly creative writing prompts through email. Write Esther to join in! The group will meet on Tuesdays at 3:30 p.m. on Zoom to share their work. Click here to join (Meeting ID: 911 3706 0851, Password: 008056) : https://zoom.us/j/91137060851?pwd=WXdWaHRoajJkODFLbjZ5UDlhRUpXUT09

Chair Yoga with Trisha Biddle, Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m.

Join Trisha Biddle for a Chair Yoga class over Zoom to stay active and limber while social distancing. Click here to join the class  (Meeting ID: 968 7318 4814, Passcode: 007817): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/96873184814?pwd=TW1MMWRqL0J3QjlzTEl3MmFYTnlHUT09

Therapeutic Yoga, Wednesdays at 11:00 am

This Class is Hybrid- watch on Zoom or attend in person at OLP, Wednesdays from 11:00 am (https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86414476426?pwd=M3h2Z0t5SHllWU14WEUxVFBSNDJDdz09)

Italian with Richard Palumbo, Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

Richard Palumbo is continuing his Italian class by sending out weekly emails with assignments to complete using the class textbook. If you’re already an Italian student and have your book at home, email Richard to join in! Starting May 5th, the class will also meet weekly on Zoom on Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/98391261475

Feldenkrais with Marilyn Bakun, Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m.

In a Feldenkrais Method® class, you are asked to make  slow mindful movements as a way of learning more about yourself. Your attention is directed to your comfort in exploring a series or pattern of movements. In the process, we often improve coordination, reduce muscular tension, improve flexibility and comfort in carrying out daily activities.  Classes are generally tied to noticing functional changes, such as in our ability to turn, reach, balance or walk.

Classes are usually done lying down on a mat with a folded towel or pillows for support.  You can also do a class lying on a bed or in a kitchen or folding chair. Join here (Meeting ID: 872 5137 5806, Password: 069624) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87251375806?pwd=aDVFdTJtMEwrNE9FS2E4SHlYZU9hZz09

Art History with Joanne Pagano Weber, Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m.

Join Joanne for a two-hour art history class with weekly art assignments (and don’t forget to submit any art you love to our virtual art show!) Join here (Meeting ID: 874 3131 0223, Passcode: 315873) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87431310223?pwd=SklOS3VPdDlBTDJMa3A1K2Y0MjFZQT09

Line Dancing with Margrecia Mindell, Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m.

Dance along with Margrecia! Join here (Meeting ID: 831 6521 7036, Password: 9jZ6KH) : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83165217036?pwd=UGJnL3piNjVlQ0k4V2xFM2k2dUF6dz09

Theater Workshop, Wednesdays at 5:00 PM

INTRO TO FORUM THEATER WORKSHOP- Forum Theater is a form of Art Activism and Community Engagement – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84701327506?pwd=N0dEb2s5VXRiNXNCOHNYcmU4UU1adz09

Fall Stop, Move Strong, Thursdays at 10:30 a.m.

Move with confidence: stay balanced and safe. Learn tips and strategies to move safer, increase balance and flexibility, and most of all – gain confidence! Join here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81733714290?pwd=dE9sYlJhWUgzREF4dWduYm9laVBmdz09

Hands-On Art Class with Joanne Pagano Weber, Thursdays at 1:00 p.m.

This Class is Hybrid- watch on Zoom or attend in person at 20WSN. Each week has a new guided hands-on art project with materials that are easy to use at home. Join this two-hour class here: (Meeting ID: 874 3131 0223, Passcode: 315873) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87431310223?pwd=SklOS3VPdDlBTDJMa3A1K2Y0MjFZQT09

Stretch and Tone with Margrecia Mindell, Fridays at 10:00 a.m.

Stay limber and fit with Margrecia! Join here: (Meeting ID: 831 6521 7036, Password: 9jZ6KH) : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83165217036?pwd=UGJnL3piNjVlQ0k4V2xFM2k2dUF6dz09


Moving and Grooving with Sokie Lee, Saturdays at 10:00 a.m.

Join Sokie Lee, NYS LMT, for an energizing Wake Up Workout! Joy Thru Movement workout class. Sokie will help bring attention to body alignment and proper body mechanics. We will work on balance, coordination, and strength by using low-impact aerobics movements. The class includes stretching, martial arts inspired moves, and cross body movements. Have fun and get some exercise Saturdays from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.! https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85762747582?pwd=UTRMeHBsSXNoTXMvRFo0dGlxK3pldz09 (Meeting ID: 857 6274 7582, Password: 552253)

Sokie Lee is a Movement Motivator, a certified Tai Chi Chih instructor and NYS Licensed Massage Therapist. She has taught classes at 92Y, Hospital for Special Surgery, and Carnegie East House.

Sunday Afternoon Discussion with Karina, Sundays at 4:00 p.m.

Join volunteer Karina for a themed discussion group!  (Meeting ID: 956 9405 7100-Passcode: 027353) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/95694057100?pwd=a0hwb0FZamhGeTRBSzdvQ3c1T1N2UT09

External Classes and Programs

The Hudson Park Library is hosting an Open Book Discussion every other Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. Virtually gather with other readers to discuss what you’ve been reading! Register for the next discussion (and all of Hudson Park Library’s online events) here.

The Aspen Brain Institute is hosting a series of Brain-Healthy Cooking Episodes starting November 10th. Learn more and register here.

The Arthritis Foundation presents “Coronavirus and Arthritis,” bringing together national leading experts, patient advocates, and others in a conversation about the coronavirus and arthritis.

  • Part I, “Emotional Health and Coping”: Leading experts share how to manage feelings of isolation, uncertainty and anxiety about your infection risk, career and finances in these stressful times. Get tips for practicing self-care and preserving healthy relationships and, get facts about ADA work-related protections for people with arthritis. To view the webinar recording, please fill out the form here.
  • Part II, “Infection, Preventing and Managing Your Care”: Join the Arthritis Foundation, a representative from the CDC’s COVID-19 Community and At-Risk Taskforce and other leading experts to hear the latest updates on infection and testing, your real risk and what is happening to infected arthritis patients, guidance on ongoing care and medications, advice for staying safe when going out and more. To view the webinar recording, please fill out the form here.

Vita Story Club is hosting Life Story Workshops via the Brooklyn Public Library. Learn more and register here.

Lighthouse Guild is hosting a free Tele-support Group for Adults With Vision Loss, every other Wednesday at 2 p.m. Join meetings online or by phone to get support on how to cope with COVID-19 and vision loss, get information and resources, learn solutions to vision-related challenges and connect with other older adults. Learn more and register here, or call 212-769-7833


Bellow you’ll find a collection of exercise videos you can do at home to keep yourself active.

Maura Nolan, a yoga teacher who Judith C. White members will recognize from her classes at the center, is also teaching Gentle Hatha Yoga classes over Zoom on Mondays and Wednesdays from 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. These classes are not through Greenwich House and are $10 per class or $15 per week (although these prices are flexible). Contact Maura at maura47@earthlink.net to get on her email list to be sent the links for each class, or to discuss payment options.

The New York Road Runners are offering these exercise classes:

  • Tuesdays at 10:00AM, Total Body Workout with Coach Sheila Clark-Hawkins
  • Wednesdays at 10:00AM, Strength & Balance Workout with Coach Sid Howard
  • Thursdays at 10:00AM, Kickin’ It with Coach Calvin Conner
  • Fridays at 10:00AM, Entrenamiento de Cuerpo Completo con Entrenadora Asteria Howard (Total Body Workout in Spanish with Coach Asteria Howard)

Join the classes on the Road Runners’ Facebook Live, or through Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82108180913  Webinar ID: 821 0818 0913

Visiting Nurse Services of New York hosts exercise classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10-11:00 a.m. Join here: https://zoom.us/j/7726623351

We also recommend checking out Dances For a Variable Population‘s online programming! Find all of their weekly Zoom classes, online videos, and phone classes here: http://www.dvpnyc.org/remote-programs/

The Department of Transportation also shares tips for exercising indoors and preventing accidents as a pedestrian. 

Top 10 Balance Exercises for Seniors 

A 12-minute guide to key exercises to help improve balance and prevent falls.

Straight Knee Exercises

A 20 minute routine to help strengthen and care for your knees. Find more MaryCare videos here.


Seated Exercises

A low-key 15-minute routine of seated exercises.

Fit Over Fifty

A 55-minute standing workout class, mostly focused on aerobics.

20 Minute Exercise for Seniors

A more advanced 20 minute exercise routine that offers both a standing and seated version of each move.

Gentle Chair Yoga

A 25-minute chair yoga class.

Yoga for Seniors

A 15-minute option for chair yoga.

Easy Stretching Exercises for Seniors

A 25-minute video guiding you through stretches based on Pilates movements.

Senior Zumba Dance Class

A 30-minute beginner zumba dance class for seniors.

Line Dances

A 38-minute video that teaches several line dances.

Gentle Tai Chi and Qi Gong

A 25-minute tai chi and qi gong class.


Noteworthy’s Concert of the Week. Read the concert program here.


Vocal Ease Concert. Find more Vocal Ease concerts here.

Online Games

https://braincurls.com/ – Memory Games
https://www.solitr.com/ – Solitaire Game
https://thejigsawpuzzles.com/ – Virtual Jigsaw Puzzles