Financial Aid


Greenwich House Pottery is committed to making ceramics classes accessible to all prospective students and offers need-based financial aid on a term-to-term basis, as funds are available. Thanks to the generosity of Greenwich House Pottery member Larry Baker, we can immediately release a pool of financial aid funds to be utilized during the upcoming winter term.

Should you like to apply for up to 50% in financial aid for an open seat this term, please follow the directions in the application link below.




If you are able, there is still time to donate to the financial aid fund, helping us reach a goal of $40,000 raised toward financial aid support for the year ahead. There is no better way to spark creativity than to support the arts in your own community. If you value what we do please consider making a contribution now or in your estate planning. Our 501c3 nonprofit organization is sustained by the generosity of individuals, foundations, and the city and state of New York—it takes a village!

Questions about financial aid? Email